Dear Sir/Madam
I’m writing for an opportunity to work in your esteemed company that boasts of decadesof reputation
邀请:I’m writing to request your attendance to a dinner party that is to be held in Beijing onAugust.
感谢:I am writing to extend my heartfelt thanks (sincere gratitude)toward…
投诉:I am writing to complain about the poor quality of a product that I purchased from yourstore two weeks ago.
祝贺:I am writing to extend my sincere greetings, wishing you a happyNew Year, your careergreater success and your family happiness.
【示例】Write a letter of application according to the following situation. You saw anadvertisement in this morning’s newspaper. A company needs a secretary and you are interested.Write an application letter to that company.
【示例】I am pleased to discover from Beijing Youth that your company is calling for a secretary. Iwonder if you could consider my application, for I am delighted to join your esteemed company.First, I can speak and write English fluently, which happens to meet your current requirement forthe vacancy. Second, I have a good command of Microsoft Office System, Graphic Design andADOBE system. Third and last, I am always ready to help other people because I’m patient,enthusiastic and sincere. Given these considerations, I sincerely hope that I can be a member ofyour esteemed company.
【示例】I would appreciate your assistance in this matter. If you have any question, please don’thesitate to contact me. I can be reached at…Look forward to your reply.
在文章右下角署名,一般格式为:Your sincerely…