高手与人辩论时,最忌一时看不清对手的逻辑谬误,被拉进无休止的无意义讨论中。比如说最常见的谬误——人身攻击(ad hominem),即不用证据、事实或理由去维护立场,而是透过标签、挑衅或谩骂来攻击对手。来看看两位世界顶级大咖的互掐。脸书创始人扎克伯格在直播中被问道,怎么看待马斯克的杀人机器人言论。扎克伯格说,人工智能会构建更和谐的世界,我认为那些反对者试图描绘一幅末日场景,我不明白,我真的认为这是非常不负责的。不久马斯克就在推特中反驳道,扎克伯格对人工智能领域的理解很有限。直接摆出了一幅我懒得和你这种水平的人搭话的态度。另外,值的一提的是,霍金也和马斯克一样,认为人工智能会让人类成为二等公民,或者发起终结者式的叛乱。
The groundwork for the world’s nerdiest fight was laid by Musk, the Tesla and SpaceX CEO, earlier this month, when he pushed again for the proactive regulation of artificial intelligence because he believes it poses a “fundamental risk to the existence of civilization”.
Groundwork 基础
Nerdy 书呆子的
Proactive regulation 事前监管
Fundamental 十分重要的
Existence 生存
Civilization 文明
The groundwork for the world’s nerdiest fight was laid by Musk.
1.the Tesla and SpaceX CEO同位语
2.earlier this month时间状语
3.when he pushed again for the proactive regulation of artificial intelligence时间状语从句
4.because he believes…原因状语从句
5.(that) it poses a “fundamental risk to the existence of civilization”宾语从句
Imitation can get a bad reputation, but researchers say our species’ drive to imitate so readily is a significant mechanism through which we learn social norms, integrate into society, and build social connection. And, they say, this level of imitation might be what sets us apart from other species and may have set us on the path to building an advanced society.