伊迪丝•华顿( Edith Wharton)是美国20世纪最著名的小说家之一,她的“风俗小说”主要以纽约上流社会为背景,观察敏锐,行文优美,甚至在一流作家中间都是文字驾驭能力都是非常突出的。她的成名作是1920年出版的《纯真年代》(The Age of Innocence),为她获得普利策奖。她更获得三次诺贝尔文学奖提名,但未获奖。但不为人知的是,在她功成名就之前,文学事业相当惨淡,曾经写过许多剧本,其中大多数从未被采纳和搬上舞台。近日文学研究学者发现了她于1901年写的一部名为《怀疑的影子》(Shadow of a Doubt)的剧本。在这个剧本被发现之前,学者们通常认为伊迪丝•华顿的所有作品都已经被悉数发掘和研究。我是老年人,当初看过一部美剧:《欲望都市》(Sex and the City)第一集中的旁白“Welcome to the Age of Un-Innocence. No one has breakfast at Tiffany’s. ”(欢迎来到不纯真年代。没有人在蒂凡尼吃早餐。)这句话就引用了两位文学大咖,伊迪丝•华顿的《纯真年代》和杜鲁门•卡波特的《在蒂凡尼吃早餐》。很多美剧的开头都会装这么一下的。
Opening on a scene of social privilege and affluence studded with sharp one-liners, the play takes a dark and controversial turn into a world of extortion, mistrust, deception and assisted dying.
1.Scene 场景
2.Privilege 特权
3.Affluence 财富
4.Studded with 布满;点缀
5.Controversial 有争议的
6.Extortion 勒索
7.Mistrust 怀疑
8.Deception 欺骗
9.Assisted dying 安乐死
10.one-liners 俏皮话
the play takes a dark and controversial turn into a world of extortion, mistrust, deception and assisted dying.
1.Opening on a scene of social privilege and affluence studded with sharp one-liners,
= the play opens on a scene of social privilege and affluence
( studded with sharp one-liners 定语修饰scene)
As a result, the manufacturers of millions of fluorescent light bulbs, one of the main sources of the toxic metal, have avoided millions of dollars in fees and fines, and little has been done to increase the state’s recycling rate for mercury, also found in batteries, automotive parts, and thermometers and thermostats.