在这个科技飞速发展、生活瞬息万变的时代,全世界大部分国家的教育系统却仍深深地保留了工业时代的烙印(imprints of the industrial age)。老师在黑板前唾沫乱飞,努力完成“一曲独舞”;学生拼命抗击那神奇的一上课就来的睡意(fighting the drowsiness),并试图通过举手发言成为一名有参与感的“观众”。一代又一代的青少年对学习的印象都是如此——极少互动(rare interaction)、死记硬背(rote learning)、应付考试。最近,美国新罕布什尔州的一所中学采取新的教育方式,尝试走出这个困局。这所中学没有标准教科书、没有传统的年级、学生们可以选择适合自己的学习进度、学生有更多机会通过实践来加深课堂上学到的知识(to buttress classroom learning with real-world experiences)。也许它会成为未来的中学原型(a prototype of the high school of tomorrow)。
In an age of struggling public schools and rising global competition, education officials are searching for ways to break out of the pervasive industrial-age school structures — think 45-minute class periods, rote lecture-style teaching, and age-based grade levels.
1.Struggling 挣扎的;步履维艰的
2.Rising 上涨的
3.Competition 竞争
4.Break out of 突破;摆脱
5.Pervasive 流行的;无处不在的
6.Industrial age 工业时代
7.Rote learning 死记硬背
8.Lecture 演讲;训诫,授课
9.Grade level 年级
education officials are searching for ways to break out of the pervasive industrial-age school structures
1.In an age of struggling public schools and rising global competition 状语
2. think 45-minute class periods, rote lecture-style teaching, and age-based grade levels.
(think A , B and C) 用了三个例子来说明工业时代的学校架构是什么样子的。
Google is also putting AlphaGo through a pair of exhibition matches designed to test the limits of its performance: in one, the AI will be acting as team-mate to a pair of professionals playing against each other, taking every other turn in an effort to see how the AI and humans adapt to each other’s style of play; in the other, it will take on five professionals working in concert to try and outfox it.