加州审计官发现加州大学校长Janet Napolitano花钱十分大手笔(lavish spending practices)。校长办公室(president’s office)为一位员工的退休聚会花费4000美元,并在其它离职活动(going-away)、员工感谢金(staff appreciation)、节日聚会、出国会议及一些公立机构鲜有的福利(perks not typically seen in the public sector)上支出甚巨。而这些奢侈的消费是否为加州大学提高学杂费(increases tuition and fees on students)的直接原因成为审计官的主要关切。另外审计发现校长办公室违规设有1.75亿美元的秘密小金库(secret reserves),却没有披露(disclosed to)给公众和加州校务委员会。相关监管人士表示,这样的行为辜负了纳税人对公立教育体制的热忱,严重损坏了学生的利益。不仅如此,校长办公室还试图通过撺改文件和纪录来破坏审计过程的公允性。审计官说,虽然他们没有得到校长办公室的合作,没有收到财务记录(financial records),得到的都是含糊的回复(vague information),但可以肯定的是过去4年至少有200万美元的校产被用来购买手机和iPad。美国钱权社会下的公立教育之殇——满口仁义道德学术高论,其实干的不过是聚敛财富收买人心的勾当罢了。受伤的不过是付账的纳税人和缴费的学生。
However, emails released by the auditor’s office, including a new batch of emails released Friday to The Chronicle, show that Napolitano’s office went far beyond offering guidance, instead editing surveys and emailing campuses that they expected to see the final draft before surveys were sent to auditors.
1.Auditor 审计员;审计官
2.Batch 一批
3.Guidance 指导
4.Survey 调查
5.Campus 校园
6.Final draft 终稿
Emails show that+句子
1.released by the auditor’s office, 定语
2.including a new batch of emails released Friday to The Chronicle 定语
3. Napolitano’s office went far beyond offering guidance
4. instead editing surveys and emailing campuses that they expected to see the final draft before surveys were sent to auditors. (这个部分一定好好看!)
(Instead 是相反的意思:)
1) Napolitano’s office editing surveys and emailing campuses that
2) they expected to see the final draft before surveys were sent to auditors
But instead of receiving life-saving health care, the 23-year-old from a Chicago suburb found herself being recruited from one recovery residence to another as a string of shady drug treatment facilities systematically overcharged her mother’s health insurance policy for expensive, unnecessary procedures and tests.