70后的马克龙上周日在法国大选的第二轮投票中获得超过66%的选民支持(landslide voter support),成为法国历史上第一位非主流党派总统,同时也是历史上最年轻的总统。除了与比自己大24岁的高中语文老师广为人知的忘年恋之外,马克龙最震惊世界之举应该是16年末正式宣布以独立候选人身份参与总统竞选。虽然他在2012年才因出任奥朗德的总统府副秘书长步入政坛,2016年方成立“跨越左右阵营之分”的政治联盟“前进运动”(EnMarche!),但他仍顶住大家质疑的眼光参选,并在2017年的大选中胜出(he delivered and strode to the stage)。但他的挑战才刚刚开始(just the beginning of a long arduous journey),由于前进运动在国会中尚无一位议员,所以他是否能掌握实权,关键还要看6月至关重要的议会选举。若无法获得议会多数席位,他将不得不任命一位反对党总理来主持政府的日常运作,成为有名无实的形式总统(a nominal president)。
France on Sunday shrugged off the siren call of right-wing populism that enchanted voters in the United States and United Kingdom, rejecting anti-E.U. firebrand Marine Le Pen and choosing as its next president Emmanuel Macron, a centrist political neophyte who has pledged to revive both his struggling country and the flailing continent.
1.Shrug off摆脱
2.Siren call 塞壬之歌;古希腊神话中船员常因听到海妖塞壬的声音入迷而丧生,现用来形容危险而具有魅惑力的事物。这里为了兼顾不了解该文化符号的同学翻译成了“魅惑召唤”。
4.Firebrand 煽动分子
5.Centrist 中间派的
6.Neophyte 新手
7.Revive 复兴
8.Flail 挣扎;用力地胡乱摆动
France shrugged off the siren call of right-wing populism
1.that enchanted voters in the United States and United Kingdom 定语从句
= the siren call of right-wing populism enchanted voters in the United States and United Kingdom
2. rejecting anti-E.U. firebrand Marine Le Pen
= The France rejects anti-E.U. firebrand Marine Le Pen
3. choosing as its next president Emmanuel Macron
= France chooses Emmanuel Macron as its next president
(choose asB A= choose A as B 这个结构很久没在江湖上出现过了,还记得吗?)
4.a centrist political neophyte 同位语
=Emmanuel Macron is a centrist political neophyte
5.who has pledged to revive both his struggling country and the flailing continent.
= Emmanuel Macron has pledged to revive both his struggling country and the flailing continent
But after a freak tide around Easter this year, hundreds of tonnes of sand were deposited around the area where the beach once stood, recreating the old 300-metre stretch of golden sand.