Michigan will allocate $87 million for the city of Flint to identify and replace at least 18000 unsafe water lines in Flint by 2020 under a proposal to settle a federal lawsuit that provides the state with a road map to end free distribution of bottled water.
确定主干:Michigan will allocate $87 million for the city of Flint to identify and replace at least 18000 unsafe water lines in Flint by 2020
1.under a proposal to settle a federal lawsuit 状语
2.that provides the state with a road map to end free distribution of bottled water.
1.Allocate 划拨
2.Identify 识别,确定,认为
3.Replace 替换
4.Unsafe 不安全
5.Federal lawsuit 联邦诉讼
6.Settle 和解,解决
7.Road map 路线图
8.Distribution 分配
9.Bottled water 瓶装水
今天讲的是一个地方告中央的故事。2016年美国密歇根州弗林特市爆发有毒自来水事件:首先是例行的儿保检查发现儿童血铅含量异常(a spike in toxic lead levels in the blood),接着成年居民也陆续出现血铅含量升高,从而发现自来水因水管老化吸收了其中的铅变成毒水。当然像这样的剧情发展都是不脱窠臼的,密歇根环境质量局先是否认自来水有毒,然后在一项又一项证据压力下不得不出面承认错误。最后的调查结果更是令人气愤,因为始作俑者就是州环保部:2014年为节约成本,该局下令弗林特市不再从休伦湖(Lake Huron)取饮用水(在底特律处理),而转用(switch to)弗林特水厂处理(Flint Water Treatment Plant)的弗林特河水,结果年久失修的水管材料(damaged water distribution infrastructure)中的铅就一天天地污染(leaking to contaminate)居民的饮用水(drinking water)。事件引起联邦司法部(Department of Justice)的高度重视,从州政府到环境局一连串官员被免职。再到后来事件的走向就非常有美国特色了——联邦诉讼:弗林特市民把密歇根州告上了法庭,要求巨额赔偿。目前,和解方案(settlement proposal)已经提出了,但是否通过还得看负责此案的法官David Lawson如何裁决。
The ability to distinguish between fact and opinion, and to constantly question what we call knowledge, is vital to human progress, and something we cannot afford to let slip.