要读懂今天的句子确实很难!大家先得知道:本周英国首相特蕾莎•梅和苏格兰首席大臣(First Minister)妮古拉•斯特金两位政治女强人就脱欧和苏格兰独立公投(Scotland independence referendum)等重点议题进行会晤。然而此次关系到英国统一团结的历史事件却被每日邮报次日的封面标题抢了风头。因为邮报即没有关注苏格兰趁脱欧打劫一事,也没有推究英国政府会给出什么样的胡萝卜和大棒(carrot and stick),而是心心念念地纠结两位老大谁的腿比较美(标题是:Never mind Brexit, who won legs-it! 最后一个词是模仿Brexit造出来的)。一石击起千层浪(attracted hundreds of complaints)。许多读者写邮件给邮报编辑部,指责文章不尊重职业女性(women in profession),仍带着上个世纪的男权价值观去看待有卓越才华的女性。包括卫报在内的兄弟媒体们也纷纷发文抨击。这里选的句子是典型的英式痛骂,利用反语(irony)、反问(rhetoric question)和轻描淡写的语气(understatement)来表达百分之两百的瞧不起(distain)。再提一下当事人的反应。梅姨拒绝置评(refuse to be drawn into the row争吵),她对媒体说:“别指望我会对媒体该说什么不该说什么指手划脚。”(梅姨总能比别人看得更高些,把握住真正的重点:媒体言论自由。)而斯特金则直接指责邮报沙文主义(male chauvinism and sexism)。对于各种批评,邮报的回复是:“别胡扯了!我们只是想轻松下。”(Get a life! We just want to give you a light-hearted piece)到底是批评者都太执著于政治正确(political correctness),还是资深小报(tabloid)越来越没底线,仁者见仁智者见智吧。
The meeting presented a new low for the newspaper, its perpetually disappointed proprietor and its lickspittle columnist: as if it weren’t bad enough that women held high office and didn’t have the grace to think the same about things, they were also each in possession of not one but two legs.
1.Perpetual 经常,永恒
2.Proprietor 经营者;所有者
3.Lickspittle 趋炎赴势的
4.Grace 风度
5.In possession of 拥有
6.low (就是大家很熟悉的low啊)格调低
The meeting presented a new low
1.for the newspaper,its perpetually disappointed proprietor and its lickspittle columnist状语
2.1 as if it weren’t bad enough that women held high office and didn’t have the grace to think the same about things,
2.2 they were also each in possession of not one but two legs.
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