Working from home when children are at large can be perilous —that vital call interrupted by a screaming baby, a toddler scattering crucial documents, the teenager pumping up the volume as a deadline looms.
词汇突破:1.At large不受限制,自由自在
2.Vital/crucial 重要的
3. perilous 惊险的,危险的=hazardous 危险的
4.Toddler 瞒珊学步的孩子
5.Scatter 散布
6.Pump up the volume 调高音量
7.Deadline 截止日期
8.Loom 逼近
主干识别:Working from home can be perilous
切分成分:1.when children are at large 状语从句
连续三个名词结构(同位语)补充说明主句,加上that表示强调没实际意义。这样的用法在报刊 英语中很常见,在真题中也很常见
2. that vital call interrupted by a screamingbaby,
3. a toddler scattering crucial documents,
4. the teenager pumping up the volume/ as a deadline looms.
昨天关注时政的同学们,可能都被最近不太讨人喜欢的邻国的女性领导人被成功下台的新闻刷屏了。欧美主流媒体也是对这件事极为重视,BBC等媒体大咖都进行了直播报道,还邀请多路专家点评。然而BBC的受访专家Robert E Kelly正在解释弹劾事件对周边区域的影响(what it means for the wider region)时,却被他的女儿成功抢镜:她活蹦乱跳地走到他身旁(jauntily across the room),只听主播厅的主持人强忍住笑提醒他(Ithink one of your children just walks in. Shifting…Shifting…)。但这个超有趣的乌龙并没有在他一边目不转睛地看着观众一边用手轻把女儿往后推(still staring fixedly into the camera, tried to press on whilegently pushing the girl away from him)之后结束。他更小的孩子摇晃着学步车一颠一颠地登上了“舞台”(wheeling onto the stage in a walker),宝宝真是超级会挑时间(perfectcomic timing)!可怜的爸爸连说了三句道歉(两句my apologies和一句sorry)才找回镇定,再次向大家解说国政大事(broadcast to the world on matters of global importance)。
These wildly divergent views and situations have allowed populists to drive a wedge into the heart of the E.U., claiming to represent ordinary people against a liberal Brussels elite intruding on everything from resettling refugees to dictating the curviness of imported bananas.