Ms. Le Pen’s prospects in the French polls this spring will depend significantly on her ability to woo women, just as the success of far-right parties on the Continent more broadly will rest on their ability to bridge the gender gap.
2. Woo:追求
3. Far-right party: 极右翼政党
4.Depend on/rest on:基于;取决于
5. Bridge the gender gap:缩小性别差距
6. the French polls 法国大选
7. the Continent 欧洲大陆
确定主干:Ms. Le Pen’s prospects in the French polls this spring will depend significantly on her ability to woo women
切分成分:just as the success of far-right parties on the Continent more broadly will rest on their ability to bridge the gender gap.
参考译文:玛丽娜•勒庞在今春法国大选中的胜算将极大程度上取决于她争取女性选民的能 力,正如欧洲大陆极右翼政党是否成功将总体上基于它们缩小性别差异的能力。
近年来极右势力在美国和欧洲频频得势,其中是引人注目(CE MU)的莫过于法国政党国民阵线的领导人——“法国最危险的女人”——玛丽娜•勒庞。她主张法国应驱逐在国内传播反法思想的外国人及无所事事的非法移民,取缔伊斯兰组织,并退出欧元区,设立贸易保护措施,打出了“法国优先”的旗帜。她曾经在讲话中称英国“脱欧”和特朗普当选美国总统是“对旧世界秩序的沉重打击”,2017年将是“欧洲大陆的觉醒年”,他们会“破除欧洲的压迫,实现民族国家的回归”。纽约时报认为,一直被视为男性至上主义者的壁垒的极右翼政党是否能取得最终的胜利,将基于它们能否获得女性选民的支持。玛丽娜•勒庞可能会比特朗普还危险,因为许多女性选民可能倾向于投票给女性领导人;欧元的未来着实令人担忧。(This woman is much much worse than Trump, because she is a woman and may win even more votes. And stay away from Euro now. Its future is very unpredictable.”)
Possible options include making it standard for consumers to have to tick a box confirming they have read and understood any small print, and investigating which terms most commonly confuse people.