Nobody disputes that the loss of manufacturing has left a bruising mark in parts of the U.S., especially in places like the Rust Belt, where lower paying service industry jobs are increasingly replacing middle class factory positions.
词汇突破:1. Nobody disputes 没有人会争论=毫无争议
2. manufacturing 制造业
3. a bruising mark 伤痕
4. the Rust Belt 老工业区
5. lower paying service industry 低收入的服务业
6. middle class factory positions 工厂里的中产职位
主干识别:Nobody disputes that
其他成分:1.the loss of manufacturing has left a bruising mark in parts of the U.S. 宾语从句主干
2.especially in places like the Rust Belt 状语
3. where lower paying service industry jobs are increasingly replacing middle class factory positions.
北美自由贸易协定,简称NAFTA(North American Free Trade Agreement),由美国、加拿大和墨西哥三方于1994年1月1日起生效和实施,实现三国间关税互免并取消进口限制。如今,北美自由贸易协定成员国已经有4.17亿共同人口和超过11万亿美元的国内生产总值。但自由贸易在兴盛三国贸易的同时,也伤害了美国老工业区(the Rust Belt,指重工业衰退地区,尤其是美国中西部和东北部地区)的工人。墨西哥相对较低的人力成本吸引美国企业在墨西哥建厂,令没有其他专业技能的美国工人被迫转而从事低收入的服务业,许多家庭逐渐从小康的中产(money never used to be a problem)沦为捉襟见着的低收入人群(thank god to be able to get some cash out of odd jobs here and there)。川普总统在竞选中向这些选民承诺会将工厂岗位还给美国民众(bring factory jobs back to American people),并威胁惩罚那些不给美国民众创造就业岗位的外国企业。希望他的承诺不会落空。
Even in the more mundane business of day-to-day research, scientists are constantly building on past work, relying on its solidity to underpin their own theories.
If misconduct really is as widespread as Hartgerink and Van Assen think, then false results are strewn across scientific literature, like unexploded mines that threaten any new structure built over them.